eating from same plate islam

hadith say bismillah and eat

Eating from what is nearer to him, because it is impolite to extend his hand and eat from the same place in front of those seated next to him. Before we eat, we 

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VI300 SHOE | eating from same plate islam

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Game of love 324- EATING FROM THE SAME PLATE! - Sikhi

3/7 · As Sikhs, we avoid eating from the same plate as others or drinking from the same cup. The main reason for this is, Sikhs believe in a pure way of life. We believe our mind, body and soul should be kept pure at all times. The Sikh Gurus were very wise people. If anything was going to become a hindrance towards a Sikh purifying their mind, the

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10 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating in Silver Plate - Prorganiq

Eating food on a silver plate aids in the battle against free radicals and the rejuvenation of body cells. Damaged body cells can be reactivated using silver content. It allows damaged cells to regenerate and work normally again. Silver has the ability to resist infection and lower the risk of contracting harmful diseases.

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Licking fingers and eating from one plate Sunnah - Islamweb - Fatwas

We have also said that it is recommended in the Sunnah to eat in a group from a single plate in fatwa 91998. The Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, said, " Get together when you eat, and mention the Name of Allaah (when you start eating), Allaah will bless your food.

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Man & Bird Eat Food From The Same Plate, Heartwarming Video

6/16 · Have you ever seen a bird eating with a human from the same plate? One such video is going viral on #SocialMedia, wherein a bird can be seen eating food in t

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15 Rules for Eating in Islam According to Sunnah

Don't drink or eat from a gold and silver made platter and goblet, because it's haram in Islam. Don't forget to say Alhamdulillah after eat, because all the food that we are able to eat is due to Allah SWT. Eat only the Halal food and never touched the haram ones. We must know what is allowed and what is not allowed to eat.

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Muslim and Non Muslim Eating Together From the Same Plate - Darul Ifta Birmingham

2/11 · Answer. The Sur or the saliva of a non-Muslim is considered pure, provided there is no filth in his mouth at the time such as alcohol. (Nurul Idah p.26) Therefore, regarding your question, it will be permissible to eat from the same plate with a non-Muslim as long as his saliva is free from any impurities. Only Allah Knows Best.

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The Prophet never took his meals at a dining table, nor in small plates, and he never ate thin well-baked bread. (The sub-narrator asked Qatada, "Over what did 

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10. Eating from Gold and Silver

Eating from Gold and Silver. In addition to the prohibitions against intoxicating beverages, blood and certain meat, Muhammad is cited in the hadiths as having forbidden eating from gold or silver plates[1] or drinking from gold or silver vessels,[2] although some hadiths mention only silver containers[3]. Muslims will eat[4] and drink[5] out

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Is it forbidden to share food and drink from the same plate with

Eating pork is haram, so unless the pork is making its way into your mouth somehow I don't see how you will be eating the pork. Anyone who tells you otherwise, please make sure they have some clear Hadith to tell you so (there aren't any unless they take a totally unrelated hadith and make some out of the view interruption).

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